######################################################################### # # # iff2eps v0.21 (15-Feb-96) by A.Maschke # # # #########################################################################

INDEX 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Installation/Usage 4. Example 5. Author

1. Introduction ————————————————————————-

If you have to create documents for study you have to use TeX because a) only this package allows you to include formulas and tables into your document in a professional manner and b) TeX is the standard, you can write your text at home and print it out everywhere.

But if you want to include any bitmap-graphics you will get problems because the required commands are *not* platform-independent.

Here comes iff2eps in: It converts your IFF-bitmap into an EPSF-file which can be included into TeX-documents using dvips in a platform- independent manner. So you can translate and print out your document under AmigaDOS, UNIX, LINUX, DOS,... keeping *all* graphics. That's nice, isn't it ?

2. Requirements ————————————————————————-

System: -normal version ("iff2eps020/040"): MC68020+/40+ ixemul.library V41+

-slow-version ("iff2eps.slow"): any Amiga (I hope so) - Attention: This version is *very* slow !

Software: -TeX (if you want to translate at home) -dvips (if you want to print at home) -ghostscript (if you want to print at home with a no-Postscript-printer)

3. Installation/Usage ————————————————————————-

Installation: Copy one of the executables into your c:-drawer

Usage: iff2eps <iff-file> <epsf-file> [resolution] [-invert]

Notes: -the default resolution is set to 300. -use the invert-switch if the generated eps-image seems to be inverted (the default is to have the color white as background (color 0)) -the program works fine on the MC68060

Examples: iff2eps test test.ps 100 iff2eps test test.ps 100 -invert

4. Example ————————————————————————-

(The supplied example is one page of a document I had to write for study.) But the interesting fact is how to include the scanned bitmap:

-creating the EPSF-file: iff2eps spannungen.iff spannungen.eps 300

-placing the image (centered, draw a border):


-creating the document latex example.tex dvips -X300 -Y300 example.dvi

-printing the document (with no postscript-printer) gs -r300 -sDEVICE=djet500 -sOutputFile=example.gs -dNOPAUSE example.ps copy example.gs par: delete example.gs

5. Author ————————————————————————-

For suggestions, gifts, ... contact me at:

Andreas Maschke Zenkerstra�e 5 06108 Halle/Saale Germany

Phone: ++49 (0)345/5170331 EMail: epgbc@cluster1.urz.Uni-Halle.DE

( 15-Feb-96 )